News and Events


New report: Smart-Eco Cities in the UK – Trends and City Profiles 2016

 25 August 2016 Our new report profiles ten leading ‘smart-eco’ cities in the UK (Birmingham, Bristol, Glasgow, London, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Newcastle, Nottingham, Peterborough, and Sheffield), and also includes a summary overview of the 2016 national smart-eco ‘landscape’. It draws on research conducted over the last year. Download the UK report as a pdf. A …

Conferences and workshops

Metrics and Sustainable Urban Futures

Federico Caprotti delivered the introductory talk (titled ‘Metrics and sustainable urban futures’), at the ‘Urban Futures: Interrogating Metrics and the City’ workshop held at King’s College London, 8 June 2016. This was based on linking recent work (including SMART-ECO research) on metrics and the city to broader debates around the UN’s New Urban Agenda and …

Conferences and workshops

Project Meeting in Ningbo (China) 2016

20 May 2016 Our project team recently met at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China to plan for the next 12 months, with a focus on our choice of case studies in China, France, Germany, Holland and the UK. We also reviewed the global smart-eco-city database work to date, and the country-specific ‘horizon-scanning’ work which has taken place in Year …

Conferences and workshops

Annual Project Meeting 2016

7 March 2016 Our project members will be meeting at the University of Nottingham’s campus in Ningbo (China) on 12-15 May, to share the findings from the first year of research.  Following the meeting, our research reports, working papers, and international database will be made available on this website. 中文请微信搜索smartecocities公众平台

Conferences and workshops

Kick-off Meeting in London 12 September 2015

Our international project team met at King’s College London on 9-10 September 2015, to agree on the programme of research to be conducted in the first year. The key elements of this research are as follows: Smart-Eco Horizon-Scanning and Case Reports For each of the countries on which the research will focus (the UK, China, …